“In this multi-million year event, we are given a beautiful manifestation of the triadic nature of a completed evolutional motion. All triads of transformation have the same form: 2–1–3
~ a ‘lower’ (less frequency of vibration, more dense) is acted upon by
~ a ‘higher’ (higher in frequency of vibration, less dense) and the result is
~ a ‘middle’ (a blending with density/vibrations between the lower and the higher).”
Keith A. Buzzell, Man, A Three-brained Being, (Fifth Press, 2007), P. 24.
Search results for “triads” in Keith Buzzell’s books about the Fourth Way
The term “Triads” appears in Buzzell’s writings and is indexed below. These results come from using the “Search Books” tool from the menu above. The full search results are accessible by typing “triads” into the search books tool. For convenience we have placed them at the bottom of this page.
Perspectives On Beelzebub’s Tales (2005) — 57 hits
p. 10
Each note of this enneagram is thus, three notes (re–fa–la, mi–sol–si) and each of these unique triads is the symbolic expression of a particular law or relationship. In a complete enneagram there are
p. 13
of the flow of the event, and see. That seeing is a melding; a coming together in relationship; a triad. It is a moment when we stand inside a lawful expression taking place in our outer world and see
p. 40
of the Law of Three, would have a triadic form and that the impulses carrying the forces in this triad would reflect functional activities of each of the three brains or their subcenters. First Brain —
Explorations In Active Mentation (2006) — 158 hits
relativity of hypnotic states and relation to physiology, the Ray of Creation and essential/existential triads ~ the causal chain of hypnosis ~ the divided Zoostat ~ therapy and transformation ~ triadic view
p. 42
(perhaps by wishing, by bringing our feeling world in to support the “idea of something”), then the triad is completed by an action; a motion “directed upon a disharmonized part of the planetary body.” (We
p. 43
Gurdjieff ’s “sacred data for genuine being-consciousness put into them by Great Nature ….” When the triads of cingulate behaviors (namely, nurture, respectful audio and visual communication and play) is appropriately
Full Search results for “triads” in Keith Buzzell’s books about the Fourth Way