In this second volume, Keith Buzzell continues his exploration of Gurdjieff’s Whim with: the biological origins of sensing and feeling ~ war and the subconscious ~ the concept of Kundabuffer ~ the triadic nature of the Will ~ the renewed concept of Conscience and the utilization of Okidanokh, via the Attentions, in the coating of Higher Bodies. The book is bountiful with full color and exquisite illustrations. Dr. Buzzell shares his unending pursuit of “fathoming the gist” of G. I. Gurdjieff’s three series of writings under the title of All and Everything, with an emphasis on the first series, Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson.
In every long thought, Buzzell pursues the implications of current scientific discoveries in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, evolutional biology and cosmology, revealing the vastness of Gurdjieff’s vision of the potential evolution of three-brained beings: we humans on the planet Earth. He examines Gurdjieff’s concept of Conscience, exploring the implications of its involvement in all parts of one’s being, with emphasis on the relationship of Conscience with Reason. He takes up the perennial question of war, focusing on its origins within the subconscious. He goes deep into the interstices of the power of the survival impulse in all our three ‘brains’ or centers: body, feeling, thinking and identifies their essential qualities which throw light on the mechanics of egoism. Buzzell responds to Gurdjieff’s injunction to comprehend the essential difference between sensing and feeling, giving a convincing and clarifying account of the biology of these two distinct experiences, as well as their ancient sources.
Throughout, a symbol is employed, called A Symbol of the Cosmos and its Laws, which visually organizes the complex notions of levels in Gurdjieff’s concept, the “Ray of Creation” as well as many other concepts such as the significance of the digestion of food, air and impressions. With this symbol, Buzzell helps us to see the intrinsic lawfulness of all event and process.

Includes a full-color Guide and Key to illustrations.