… So may all be for our neighbor …
George Ivanovich Gurdjief
(… various formulations of the Golden Rule)
I am Thou
Thou are I
He is ours
We both are His
So may all be for our neighbor.
Only he can be just who is able to put himself in the position of others.
Only he who can take care of what belongs to others may have his own.
Treat Another’s as your own and be ye so related.
“May reconciliation, hope, diligence and justice be ever with you all.”
G. I. Gurdjieff, 1912
“The highest aim and sense of human life is the striving to attain
the welfare of one’s neighbor,” and that this is possible exclusively only by the conscious renunciation of one’s own.
All and Everything, P 1186
“Conscience is everywhere the same. As it is here, so it is in St. Petersburg, America, Kamchatka, and in the Solomon Islands. Today you happen to be here, but tomorrow you may be in America; if you have a real conscience and live according to it, it will always be well with you wherever you may be.”
Meetings with Remarkable Men, P 76
“An untrammeled conscience will always know more than all the books and teachers put together. But for the present, until your own conscience is formed, live according to the commandment of our Teacher Jesus Christ: “Do not do to others what you would wish them not to do to you.”
Meeting with Remarkable Men, PP 76-77
“He can be called a remarkable man who stands out from those around him by the resourcefulness of his mind, and who knows how to be restrained in the manifestations which proceed from his nature, at the same time conducting himself justly and tolerantly towards the weaknesses of others.”
Meeting with Remarkable Men, P 33
…the attainment of this by others, he will, by this act alone, become as it were the forming ground for the real data contributing to the manifestation of objective and actual Good; …
Herald of Coming Good, P 3
… which will also have to serve among other things as a sort of ” prospectus ” of the new phase of my unremitting activity for the welfare of my neighbours, …
Herald of Coming Good, P 13